Here are the pics from our little Mardi Gras get together. From left to right that's Trey (Wheatie's son), Wheatie, Rose, Tricia and Kim. I could only get parts of the table, so I had to take 3 shots to get everyone in.

The other end of the table with Kim, Johnny, Julie, Kevin's wife (Dammit, whose name I forget. I gotta quit doin' that. By the way, Wheatie's husband is Rob, not even close to Jeff), Kevin, Tina and Steve.

Danny and Gordon with Danny still asking the question out loud, "How did I get so lucky?"

My newest best buddy in Foley, little Braelyn. We've been hanging out during the day and havin' some fun.

The river at Blakeley State Park where I visited this afternoon.
And now for some very important announcements. I'm sure they think I forgot, but a large number of the people in the above photos have indicated in no uncertain terms that they are going to rent an RV and travel to Virginia for my son's wedding reception/party in July. So, to set the record straight the list of wedding crashers includes, Steve (ringleader), Tina (ringleader's better half who at this moment is thinking, "What has he done now?"), Julie (who was at the other end of the table and when asked, "Julie, you goin' with us?", simply replied, "Sure", not realizing what the others at the table were dragging her into), Kim (who may have started all of this when she announced she had a date July 4th at the WWII Soldiers Home in Virginia. Kim, I hope someone told that WWII soldiers are very, very old!?), Tricia (who quickly threw her husband Matt under the proverbial bus by assuring us all that "Matt's in!"), Rose (who quietly seemed to stir things up and then sit back and watch), Wheatie (who watched her years of being a good mom go down the drain by allowing Trey to meet her high school friends), Gordon (who, just as in high school, is good to go anytime there's a party), and Danny (who thought we were talking about going to Dr. Wong's for fried wontons). So, there you go my friends. See you in Virginia in July. And don't worry, I have plenty of room for you to park your RV. Steve, you can even provide the music for the party. Renee was looking for some music options.
Last announcement is I'm back on the road tomorrow, but instead of Daytona, I'm heading back to Virginia. Duty calls and all that. Oh well, maybe I can get down there for Biketoberfest or something. Still, I hope to have a good ride back and I'll report from the road tomorrow night.
See you on the road to nowhere.
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